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COMMING SOON! Wordloc is growing, and we're excited to unveil our new bilingual website in May 2024!

How can we help you?



Desktop Publishing

At WordLoc, your words matter in any spoken language. We have an experienced team in the localization industry, combining attention to detail, quality and above all, customer satisfaction.


Our mission is to provide translation and localization services that meet the expectations of each of our clients with the

highest quality criteria in our processes.

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How we work

We are committed to provide the best service and experience to our clients with a process designed to guarantee the maximum quality in each of our deliveries. We understand how language services and content solutions are evolving and, because of that, we combine the latest advances in translation technology with the human touch of highly skilled professionals.

Experts Translators

Quality Checks in Every Step

Experienced Team

Translation Technology

Cultural awareness